Advisory board
External experts participate in the UniSAFE project as members of our dedicated Advisory Board. Their role is to provide knowledgeable inputs and insights to research ethics, the conceptual and methodological developments and impacts, and challenge conventional thinking on crucial aspects of the project.

Enrique Gracia
Enrique Gracia is Full Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Valencia, Spain, where he is Head of the Research Unit ‘VIO-STRATEGY: Advanced research strategies on family and gender violence’. His research is focused on intimate partner violence (IPV) against women and the analysis of the influence of social environment-related variables in the prevalence and the unequal distribution of risk of partner violence against women. His contribution for measurement and survey analysis regarding violence against women is highly relevant to UniSAFE: He has developed new measures to assess violence among intimates to minimise response distortions; coordinated a team of 28 experts from all EU MS to review all surveys and research regarding attitudes towards violence against women, to elaborate the report ‘Attitudes toward violence against women in the EU‘, commissioned by the European Commission; and in 2017 he participated in the ‘WHO Expert Group on methodological and measurement issues for violence against women statistics’ convened with the aim to improve new statistics and comparative international studies for a better monitoring of the goal 5.1 (the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls) of the UN 2030 Agenda. Professor Gracia has also been involved in the development of new intervention strategies for batterer intervention programs. He has been a PI or co-investigator on about 30 research grants from the Spanish Government agencies, and other national and international funding bodies (e.g., European Commission, Swedish Research Council). His research has been published in some of the most influential journals in their field such as American Journal of Epidemiology, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, European Journal of Public Health, Social Science & Medicine, International Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Marriage and Family, or Violence Against Women. He is also editor-in-chief of the journal “Psychosocial Intervention”.

Andrea Krizsan
Andrea Krizsan is a Research Fellow at the Democracy Institute and Associate Professor at the School of Public Policy and the Gender Studies Department of the Central European University. She is interested in understanding policy change in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. She works on different equality policy fields including gender equality policy, policies on gender based violence, policies addressing ethnic inequalities and intersectionality. Her current research aims to analyze the politics of policy backsliding in times of crisis and illiberal democracy and forms of resistance to such reversal. She is the recepient of the inaugural Emma Goldman Award for her substantial contributions to the study of feminist and inequality issues in Europe. Her most recent book with C.M. Roggeband analysed domestic violence policy reforms in five Central and Eastern European countries (Routledge, 2018). Her publications include articles in Politics and Governance, European Journal of Politics and Gender, Violence against Women, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Politics, and Journal for Ethnic and Minority Studies and chapters in several edited volumes. She edited a volume on women’s movements mobilizing for policy change (2015), ethnic monitoring and data collection (2001) and co-edited one with J. Squires and H. Skjeie on institutionalizing intersectionality and the changing nature of European equality regimes (2012). Besides her academic work Andrea also acts as the Chair of the CEU Senate Equal Opportunity Committee. She leads the CEU team of the SUPERA Project – Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia.
Andrea has a PhD in Political Science from the Central European University.

Louise Morley
Louise Morley is a Full Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER) at the University of Sussex, UK. Professor Morley has an international profile in the field of the sociology of gender in higher education. Her current research interests focus on internationalisation and equity, the equity and affective implications of the neoliberal university, and higher education as a public good. She was Principal Investigator for the CHEER Project Higher Education Knowledge Exchange and Policy Learning in the Asian Century and Co-Investigator for an ESRC Newton Fund research project on Higher Education and the Public Good: Reflections from Four African Contexts. She led the University of Gothenburg’s project on Fika in the Swedish Neoliberalised University. She recently completed a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie funded project Higher Education Internationalisation and Mobility: Inclusions, Equalities and Innovations (HEIM). During her career she has also undertaken research on women and leadership in higher education for the British Council and for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, for the ESRC/DFID on Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania for the ESRC on knowledge exchange, the HEFCE on graduate employability and for the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Department for International Development on Gender Equity in Commonwealth Universities. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the Society for Research into Higher Education. She was a Guest Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2016–18), a Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Gender Excellence, Örebro Universit, Sweden (2011), and the 2013–2014 Inaugural Chair, Women’s Leadership Centre, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia. In 2018–2019, she was a Guest Professor at the University of Tampere, Finland. Her research has been published widely in the field of higher education studies in some of the most influential journals.
Raluca Popa
Raluca Popa is a Gender and Law Specialist at IDLO – International Development Law Organization