Welcome addresses

Ildiko Ipolyi
UniSAFE coordinator
Senior Science Officer / Programme coordinator at the European Science Foundation
Ildi is senior science officer with ESF, coordinates the Inclusive Science Cluster of activities of the organisation. Based on her transdisciplinary background and experience –food engineer, PhD in analytical chemistry, with extensive experience in data management in environmental sciences for science-policy interfacing and policy support, international network management, capacity building and institutional change – Ildi is an expert research manager and business developer with an intimate knowledge of the European research landscape and funding schemes, with a specific feel for interdisciplinary projects. She is currently the coordinator of the UniSAFE, ACCTING and SUPPORTER projects.

Annick Castiaux
Rector of the University of Namur
Annick Castiaux is the rector of the University of Namur. She holds a PhD in Physical Sciences. After completing her thesis, she joined the corporate world as a consultant in information and knowledge management. This gave her an insight into the realities of both public and private organizations undergoing transformation. In 2002, she decided to return to her alma mater as Professor of Innovation Management. Her research focuses on innovation ecosystems, collaborative and participative innovation, and sustainable and responsible innovation, within the Creativity and Innovation research Center she created. She teaches innovation management, entrepreneurship, strategy and leadership. Since September 2021, Annick Castiaux has been Rector of the University of Namur.
Ensuring safety and equity in academia and research:
a matter of justice

Françoise Tulkens
Former judge at the European Court of Human Rights
UniSAFE’s conceptual framework and key impacts

Sofia Strid
Scientific Coordinator of UniSAFE
Associate professor in Gender Studies, Örebro University and Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Gothenburg University
International commitments to end gender-based violence

Olena Kharytonova
Member of GREVIO, Council of Europe
Olena Kharytonova is a member of GREVIO – monitoring body of the Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe. Adviser to the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men.
A qualified lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in research and teaching activities, including creation and introduction «Gender Studies for Future Lawyers», «Gender Equality and Women’s Rights», «International Human Rights Standards in Criminal Law» courses into the University’s educational process. Visiting research fellow at the University of Graz, Austria (2022/2023).
A member of the working group for the development of the Strategy for the Implementation of Gender Equality in Education Ukraine 2030 (UNPFA, EdCamp Ukraine, 2022); a member of the validation expert group of the implementing of Istanbul Convention in Ukraine (UN Women).
A member of the Association of Women’s Lawyers of Ukraine “JurFem”, Association Internationale De Droit Pénal, Ukrainian Criminal Law Association, Kharkiv Law Society.

Carl Vannetelbosch
UNESCO, Inclusion, Rights and Intercultural Dialogue
With a background in international relations and diplomacy, Mr Vannetelbosch joined UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector in 2015 to work first for the science policy team and later for the Sector’s executive office. Joined in 2019 the Social and Human Sciences Sector to work on the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers. He contributed to the statutory monitoring of the Recommendation and the development of indicators as well as to the implementation of projects on research integrity in Europe and on science, technology and innovation policies in Africa. Current work focuses on the development of a UNESCO programme on freedom and safety of scientists.

Anne Pépin
Senior policy officer, European Commission, DG RTD Gender Sector
Anne Pépin joined the Gender Sector of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) in 2017 as a senior policy officer, in charge of gender equality policies in the European Research Area and of their implementation through dedicated provisions in the Horizon Europe EU framework programme for research and innovation. She has coordinated several EU-funded projects focusing on the promotion of Gender Equality in higher education and research organizations.
Policy frameworks at national level: Opportunities and limitations for institutional responses
to gender-based violence.

Suzanne Walker
Senior executive officer at the Framework for Consent – Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Suzanne Walker is senior executive officer at the Framework for Consent. Her background is in the field of international development and human rights, where she specifically focused on initiatives that promoted the rights of women and rights, advanced gender equality and tackled gender-based violence in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asian. Suzanne has also worked for the Irish government agency responsible for the provision of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence services.

Louise Crowley
Professor at the School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland
Louise Crowley is professor at the School of Law, UCC. She is a national voice on intimate partner violence having published widely on the adequacy of legal responses to the challenges of gender-based violence. Louise was a member of the Government appointed expert group that developed the National Framework to End Sexual Harassment and Violence at Third Level and continues to advise on law and policy reform. Louise developed the campus-wide UCC Bystander Intervention programme which educates and empower staff and students to challenge the normalisation of sexual abuse and to recognise their role as active bystanders to effect change and bring about a new normal of safety and respect. This training is delivered across the sector and in workplaces and sporting organisations. In 2022, funded by the Irish Research Council, Louise developed a bespoke second level programme, piloted in 50 secondary schools nationwide. Louise has commenced a partnership with the Irish Defence Forces to deliver Sexual Respect and Ethics training to members of the Army, the Air Corp and the Navy.

Pavla Špondrová
Ombudsperson, attorney- Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Czech Republic
Pavla Špondrová is ombudsperson at Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and a lawyer. She studied sociology, political science and law. She worked at the Government Office of the Czech Republic in the Human Rights Section, during the Czech presidency she negotiated for the EU in the Council of Europe or the UN. After parental leave, she led the “22 percent to equality” project at the Czech Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs regarding equal pay. She now works as an attorney focused on family and equality law and as an ombudsperson of the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. She cooperates with the non-profit sector, with academia (e.g. NKC-Gender and Science, Department of Gender Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague) or participates on work of advisory bodies of the Czech government. She likes people, family, connecting worlds of adults and children, sports, politics, culture and faith, truth, love and hope… And freedom and equality.

Lucie Viktorinová
Gender focal point at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
Lucie works for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports since 2017 as gender focal point. Her main goals at the ministry are introduce the gender perspective in all ministerial materials, actively work with gender mainstreaming tools in both inside and outside processes of the ministry and coordinates the fulfilment of ministerial tasks in gender equity on all levels. Lucie is an expert in gender institutional transformation (on governmental level specifically) and gender analysis. In 2014 Lucie created for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs gender systemic project focusing on equal pay in the Czech Republic. This project runs successfully until these days. She also works with NGOs, provides gender audits, analytic works, and gender training for various organisations. She has two kids and likes board games, books, movies, dancing, music (women’s voices especially) and feminist aspects in all kinds of culture throughout the world.

Chloé Mour
Policy officer – LGBT+ rights and sexual violence – Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France
Chloé Mour is a policy officer – LGBTQ+ rights and sexual violence at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. After completing a BA in Gender Studies and political Science at McGill University (Montreal), she received her Research Master of Sociology at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Paris) in 2019. Her Master’s thesis analyzed the design and implementation of the national sexual violence policy in French higher education and research institutions. In 2020, she was a Research Assistant at Sciences Po University (Paris) and undertook an international scoping review on the evaluation of EDI policies in higher education. She worked as a European project manager for two years at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) on three projects: ACTongender, GENDER-NET Plus and GENDER STI. She also coordinated the creation of the European COST Action “Making Young Researchers’ Voices Heard for Gender Equality” (2021-2025).

Elisabeth Kohler
Head Gender Equality Unit, CNRS, France
Elisabeth Kohler is the director of the Gender Equality Unit at the French national Centre for Scientific Research since 2018. She has a long experience in different fields, ranging from gender equality to innovation policies, European project management and international cooperation. She has been the coordinator of the EU project GENDER-NET Plus that is dealing with the integration of the gender dimension in research content and participated in GENDER STI, another EU project that is promoting gender equality in international scientific cooperation.
Evidence for driving action within institutions:
insights from UniSAFE research

Zuzana Andreska

Anne Laure Humbert
Professor of Gender and Diversity and co-director of the Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice at Oxford Brookes University
Anne Laure Humbert is professor of Gender and Diversity and co-director of the Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice at Oxford Brookes University. Anne is very experienced in gender equality research at national and EU level, policy analysis and assessment as well as gender statistics. She specialises in applying quantitative methods to comparative social and economic analysis, particularly in relation to work and organisations, entrepreneurship, and work-life balance. She holds visiting positions at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London and at the Center for Feminist Social Studies at Örebro University in Sweden. She has previously held positions at Cranfield University and Middlesex University London. Anne is a regular public speaker on gender equality and she enjoys the opportunity to make connections between theory, practice and activism.

María Bustelo
Associate professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Alain Denis
Partner and managing director at Yellow Window
Alain Denis is partner and Managing Director at Yellow Window, a research and design consultancy based in Belgium. He is mainly involved in service and policy design and specialized in user and stakeholder involvement through participatory techniques. The focus of his recent involvement in research projects is on translating research results into operational solutions. This includes solutions to reduce inequalities that increased due to the Covid-19 policies (RESISTIRE), or developing evidence-based solutions to ensure Green Deal policies do not increase inequalities (ACCTING). He has been involved in most activities of the UniSAFE project including the toolkit.
collecting data with a survivor-centred approach

Fredrik Bondestam

Claudia Schredl

Vilana Pilinkaite
Where to start? Improving, Implementing and Assessing institutional policies

Jasna Podreka
Assistant professor at the University of Ljubljana

Pascale Vielle
Professor – UCLouvain

François-Xavier Fievez
Vice-Rector for Social and Student Affairs and professor at the University of Namur
François-Xavier Fievez has been a teacher of English at the University of Namur since 2001. His areas of interests include learner’s autonomy, socio-cognitive approaches to learning foreign languages and narrative practices as a tool to improve academic achievement. In 2022, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Social and Student Affairs, including the fields of culture and gender policies. His projects include an educational approach to intercultural and gender issues and the recognition of students’ engagement in extra-curricular activities.

Panagiota Polykarpou
Consultant– Yellow Window

Vasia Madesi
Consultant– Yellow Window
Mutual learning as a means to advance change among umbrella organisations

Francesca Bucci
Policy officer – League of European Research Universities (LERU)
Francesca Bucci is policy officer at the League of European Research Universities (LERU). LERU is a well-established network consisting of 23 members in 12 countries across Europe. The network brings together representatives in a collaborative effort towards policy development and it serves as a platform for mutual learning and the exchange of best practices across many areas. Francesca joined LERU in 2017, and since January 2021 she coordinates the work of the policy groups on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, on Research Careers & HR, and on Doctoral Studies. Francesca holds a master’s degree in Foreign Literature and Languages from the University of Bologna, with a specialisation in Linguistics. Prior to her role at LERU, she worked at the European University Institute, in Florence.

Cristina Gamberi
Research fellow – University of Bologna – The Guild
Cristina Gamberi is research fellow at the University of Bologna where she works to integrate Equity, Inclusion and Diversity activities within Istitutional Communication Strategies and she is also part of the European Master in Women’s and Gender Studies GEMMA at the Dep of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. She was a visiting fellow at the Universities of Utrecht (NL), Hull, Warwick and Norwich (UK) and holds a PhD in Gender Studies from the University Federico II. Her work ad publications currently focuses on gender studies, contemporary women writers, gender based violence and critical pedagogies.
Since 2004, she has been involved in policies to combat gender-based violence: in 2018, she joined the working group on the Council of Europe of the Istanbul Convention to draft the Report GREVIO on the chapter Prevention and Education.
Since 2016 she has been the coordinator of NoiNo.org, the project supported by Fondazione del Monte di Bologna to prevent gender-based violence in schools through education which has involved more than 20 high-schools, 1350 students and 220 teachers.

Ana Marija Sikirić Simčić
Assistant professor – University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business – UNIGEM
Ana Marija Sikirić Simčić is assistant professor at the Department of Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business of University of Rijeka. She has published more than 20 scientific and professional papers as author or co-author. She is the lead researcher of the scientific research projects: “Budgeting Process from the Gender Equality Perspective” and “By shaping gender-responsive policies and budgets towards greater gender equality“. She has introduced a course Economics of Gender at the Faculty of Economics and Business. She is the vice president of the Gender Equality Committee at the University of Rijeka. She has held numerous workshops and participated in roundtables on gender responsive budgeting and menstrual poverty organised by NGOs and local governments.
She’ll be representing UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming), a multilateral cooperation project implemented by TPO Foundation from Sarajevo together with 19 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro in the period from 2021 to 2025.

Siobán O’Brien Green
Acting equality officer at the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office of Trinity College
Siobán O’Brien Green is acting equality officer. She has worked in government agencies and the non-profit, research and academic sectors for over 25 years. Siobán has worked on multiple national and European multi-country gender-based violence (GBV) research projects and represented Ireland on three EU COST Actions. She has taught, published and presented widely on GBV, FGM, equality, designing and undertaking research with vulnerable populations. Siobán holds a Masters degree from University College Dublin in Social Policy and has a PhD from Trinity College Dublin (TCD). Her PhD research explored help and safety seeking by women who have experienced domestic violence during pregnancy in Ireland and has presented on this important study in Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia, Austria and Norway. Siobán has contributed to multiple reports and guidelines addressing GBV including the National Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Training Resource Manual (2019), guidelines for family doctors on domestic violence (2022) and contributed to the Study on Familicide & Domestic and Family Violence Death Reviews (2023) commissioned by the Irish Department of Justice.
Pathways for change: steps ahead

Marcela Linková
Head of the Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Marcela Linková is the head of the Centre for Gender and Science. She is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences where she directs the Centre for Gender and Science. She has a doctorate in sociology from Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on sociology of gendered organizations, research careers, governance of research and research assessment from a gender perspective. Marcela also examines the material-discursive practices through which gender equality policies and initiatives are adopted and implemented at the European and Czech country levels. She is the chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. She is active in developing policy solutions for gender equality in research at the Czech and EU levels. Marcela has been involved in several EU funded projects; most recently, she is the coordinator of Horizon 2020 GENDERACTION project and participates in GE Academy, Gender-SMART and CASPER. She has served on expert and advisory bodies of the European Commission and in the Czech Republic. She is an alumna of the International Visitor Leadership Programme “Women in STEM”.

Lut Mergaert
Research director and senior consultant at Yellow Window
Dr. Lut Mergaert is Research Director and Senior Consultant at Yellow Window (Antwerp, Belgium). She is a recognised gender expert, who has been the Principal Investigator and coordinator of numerous policy support studies on gender equality and has served as expert for the European Commission, the European Institute for Gender Equality, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, UN Women, and others. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences from Radboud University Nijmegen (NL). Gender mainstreaming in research, and the adoption and implementation of gender equality policies more broadly, are her main research interests, on which she has published articles and book chapters. In recent years, she has been involved in several Horizon 2020 projects: as scientific coordinator in the Gender Equality Academy (GE Academy) and as gender expert in the institutional change projects GEECCO, SUPERA, GEARING-Roles, Gender-SMART, as well in the CASPER project that examined the feasibility to establish a European certification scheme on gender equality and in UNISAFE, which researches gender-based violence and sexual harassment in research and academia and develops approaches to combat these practices.

Silvia Rueda Pascual
Advisory Member in the Cabinet of the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation
Director of the Women and Science Unit, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Silvia Rueda Pascual is an Informatics Engineer and PhD in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Valencia. She is currently Advisory Member in the Cabinet of the Minister and Director of the Women and Science Unit in the Ministry of Science and Innovation in Spain.
Between 2022 and 2023 she was Territorial Director in Valencia of the Regional Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society. Until then, she was Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Valencia, where she became the first female director of that department (2015-2021). She has developed her research in three main lines: Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, Software Engineering and the Digital Gender Gap, participated in a multitude of research, transfer and dissemination projects and contracts and leaded the TADeSP research group, which works to provide advances in human-centered software development.
She has also been responsible for STEM-UV within the Vice-Rector’s Office for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the UV, Director of the chair for Digital Gender Gap and coordinator of the Girls4STEM project, aimed at promoting STEM vocations, especially among girls. In 2022 she received the Sapiens Academic Award from the Official College of Computer Engineering of the Valencian Community for her work in favor of gender equality in the STEM-ICT sector

Panagiota Polykarpou
Consultant– Yellow Window

Colette Schrodi
Communication Manager at ESF (European Science Foundation)

Anke Lipinsky
Senior researcher at GESIS Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Department Data and Research on Society.

Marcela Linková
Head of the Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Marcela Linková is the head of the Centre for Gender and Science. She is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences where she directs the Centre for Gender and Science. She has a doctorate in sociology from Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on sociology of gendered organizations, research careers, governance of research and research assessment from a gender perspective. Marcela also examines the material-discursive practices through which gender equality policies and initiatives are adopted and implemented at the European and Czech country levels. She is the chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. She is active in developing policy solutions for gender equality in research at the Czech and EU levels. Marcela has been involved in several EU funded projects; most recently, she is the coordinator of Horizon 2020 GENDERACTION project and participates in GE Academy, Gender-SMART and CASPER. She has served on expert and advisory bodies of the European Commission and in the Czech Republic. She is an alumna of the International Visitor Leadership Programme “Women in STEM”.

Siobán O’Brien Green
Acting equality officer – Trinity College Dublin

Matthias Girod
Secretary general of EuroScience